SEN concludes visit to Tokyo (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, attended the C40 Regional Meeting for East, Southeast Asia and Oceania of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group this morning (May 23) to exchange views with participants on various regional environmental issues. He then continued his participation in the Tokyo Forum for Clean City and Clear Sky on its second-day session. After that, he visited two plastic bottle recycling companies and their plants before concluding his itinerary in Japan.

     At the second-day forum, Mr Wong spoke about air quality improvement measures in Hong Kong. He stated that the Environment Bureau released "A Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong" in 2013 and issued a progress report in June 2017, which gave a comprehensive account of the results achieved by Hong Kong in improving air quality.

     After attending a press conference held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in the morning, Mr Wong visited two plastic bottle recycling plants to observe their recycling processes and learn more about the latest plastic bottle recycling technology. He also exchanged views with local recyclers to understand the latest developments in Japan's recycling industry.

     â€‹Mr Wong will depart for Hong Kong and arrive tonight.

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