Sellafield success can be a launchpad for northern growth, says report


The Northern Powerhouse Partnership (NPP) launched its northern energy strategy at the Convention of the North in Rotherham today.

The report says the pioneering work of Sellafield and its supply chain can provide a foundation to build a 21st century low carbon energy industry in the north.

Jamie Reed, Sellafield Ltd’s head of corporate affairs, welcomed the strategy.

He told the conference:

We’re very supportive of the aims and ambitions of NPP’s strategy.

Low carbon energy production is crucially important for economic growth and to meet the UK’s target of zero emissions by 2050.

Sellafield already plays a vital role in the UK’s energy sector, providing spent fuel and waste management services to the nuclear industry on behalf of our owner, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

Our priority will always be to deliver our mission in the national interest but we’re also ready to play our part in the development of the next generation of the energy industry.

The conference brought together key figures from politics, business, communities, and academia in the north.

They discussed ideas for how the region can help drive forward the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

An independent economic review, commissioned by NPP, found the north could generate economic growth, improve productivity, and create jobs if it positioned itself as a low carbon energy leader.

NPP’s report added that the north should build on the history and pedigree of organisations like Sellafield Ltd to achieve its aims.

Jamie added:

Sellafield was the birthplace of the first generation of low carbon electricity production.

Calder Hall, the world’s first nuclear power station was designed and built in the north and safely operated for 47 years, well beyond its estimated lifespan.

We’ve now successfully removed all of its nuclear fuel, which puts us well on the way to safely decommissioning the facility.

This shows the northern energy industry at its best: pioneering innovation, safe and reliable operations, and responsible waste management and clean-up.

Calder Hall was one of the 20th century’s greatest technological achievements.

I’m hugely excited about our potential to make a similar pioneering contribution to the 21st century energy industry.

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