SEE visits Beijing (with photos)

     The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, started his visit to Beijing today (June 16).
     In the morning, Mr Tse travelled to the Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone, and visited facilities including fuel cell production workshops, hydrogen refilling stations, and different types of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, to learn about the latest developments of the hydrogen energy industry in the Mainland.
     He then visited the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) and met with the Minister of the MEE, Mr Huang Runqiu, to exchange views on various ecology and environment protection issues and related works. Mr Tse pointed out that President Xi Jinping emphasised in his speech at the 20th National Congress last year the importance of promoting green and low-carbon development, prevention of environmental pollution, as well as enhancing the diversity, stability, and sustainability of the ecosystems. The Environment and Ecology Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) Government hopes to better integrate into the overall national development and jointly take forward ecological conservation of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). 
     Mr Tse said, "We will continue to strengthen our work in various environmental areas, such as enhancing biodiversity, deepening environmental co-operation in the GBA, combating climate change, promoting green transport and resource recycling, and improving air quality."
     After the meeting, Mr Huang and Mr Tse witnessed the signing of the Co-operation Arrangement on Carrying Out Marine Ecological and Environmental Protection Work by the Director of Environmental Protection, Dr Samuel Chui, and the Director of the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center of the MEE, Dr Wang Juying. The Arrangement helps strengthen the co-operation of the HKSAR Government and the Mainland in marine ecological environment protection and water quality management with a view to assisting all parties in achieving the common goal of protecting and improving the quality of the marine ecological environment in the GBA.

      Mr Tse will return to Hong Kong this evening.

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