SED visits Zhejiang and Shanghai (with photos)


     The Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, yesterday (April 12) and today (April 13) respectively visited Anji County in Zhejiang Province to learn about the development and achievements of its early childhood education, and called on a number of education units and Hong Kong youths in Shanghai.
     This morning, Dr Choi visited East China Normal University and Shanghai Normal University in Shanghai to exchange views with the students and teachers. She said that universities in Shanghai and Hong Kong have been conducting professional exchanges in various ways with collaboration in areas covering talent cultivation, student admission and employment, and scientific studies. The Shanghai-Hong Kong University Alliance formed by 16 universities from Shanghai and Hong Kong has strengthened the ties among the universities and further deepened collaboration, achieving mutual benefits. The Education Bureau will continue to support the development of the Alliance and nurture talents for the development of the country.
     At noon, Dr Choi called on the Director General of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Mr Zhou Yaming. They exchanged views on various education issues and discussed ways to promote education interflow and co-operation between Shanghai and Hong Kong.
     In the afternoon, Dr Choi visited the headquarters of Xiaohongshu to understand the development of social media platforms on the Mainland. She then met representatives of the Hong Kong-Shanghai Youth Association and Hong Kong youngsters at the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to learn about their development in Shanghai. She encouraged Hong Kong youths to grasp the development opportunities brought about by the National 14th Five-Year Plan and better integrate into the overall development of the country, thereby becoming the future pillars of the country and Hong Kong.
     Yesterday, Dr Choi visited Anji County in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, and toured Jiguan Kindergarten and Lingfeng Center Kindergarten in the County. Both kindergartens put into practice the pedagogy of the Anji Play for early childhood education by designing the campus environment and facilities based on the needs of children, thereby allowing them to learn through playing. Dr Choi observed the practice of the Anji Play pedagogy. She also chatted with local principals and teachers, and listened to their sharing of visions and practical experience in early childhood education.
     Dr Choi will conclude the visit and return to Hong Kong tonight.

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