SED on class resumption

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung, at a media session after attending a radio programme today (February 7):
Reporter: Mr Yeung, what sort of factors would the Government be considering when it decides whether to allow schools to resume on March 2?
Secretary for Education: There are a number of factors that we have to consider, including the overall situation of coronavirus pneumonia. What is the latest development? And what is the overall situation? On that we have to listen to experts' advice on the overall situation. We would also consider the preparedness of schools, whether they are ready to start the schools and start the classes. And also in doing that, we will also consider the supply of some of the protective gear at schools. We all know that there seems to be a shortage of certain supplies, for example masks and things. So, when we decide whether classes could be resumed, that's of course one of the factors that we have to consider.
Reporter: Not all parents are happy with this class suspension. I know it's for the health of students. Some of them have called on the Government to pay for the tuitions of the classes affected by this suspension. Will the Government be trying to help them in any way?
Secretary for Education: At present, even though classes are suspended, schools are still providing learning support to students at home, including various e-learning activities and resources, so that they could still have some learning activities at home. So in a certain way, I think schools are still operating, although in a limited scope. We think that, in terms of tuition fees, parents should pay according to the schedule that we have approved for individual schools. But of course we also understand that schools may face some difficulties. That is something we have overall to consider. And if parents do have financial difficulties in paying the tuition fees, there are always safety nets in the government system to help them on the tuition fees.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)