Security Bureau’s statement – members of public should not participate in or advertise unauthorised assemblies

     A spokesman for the Security Bureau made a statement today (June 30) that the Police have prohibited and objected to a public meeting and procession to be held on Hong Kong Island on July 1. The Appeal Board on Public Meetings and Processions has, after a hearing, confirmed the Police decisions. The event is an unauthorised assembly. No one should take part in, organise, advertise or publicise any unauthorised assembly.
     Section 17A of the Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245) stipulates that anyone taking part in or organising an unauthorised assembly is liable to a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment. Anyone advertising or publicising an unauthorised assembly is liable to a maximum penalty of 12 months' imprisonment. In addition, taking part in the event may be in breach of the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) (i.e. Prohibition on Group Gathering), under which the maximum penalty is six months' imprisonment. In court rulings in recent months regarding a number of cases of unauthorised assemblies, the persons concerned were found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment of varying terms.
     Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, violent crimes have dropped sharply. However, the risk of local terrorism remains and the public should not let their guard down. Yesterday, the Police arrested two males and seized suspected raw materials for making explosives, component parts of firearms and imitation firearms. An initial investigation revealed that the arrested persons intended to make lethal weapons for an unlawful purpose, posing serious security threats to the community. 
     With regard to any act that may occur on July 1 endangering public order and public safety, the Police will make an appropriate deployment and take resolute actions. If anyone attempts to challenge the law, including the Prohibition on Group Gathering, Public Order Ordinance, Crimes Ordinance, Hong Kong National Security Law, etc, the Police will deal with it seriously in accordance with the law. The public should not defy the law.