Secretary for Security visits North District (with photos)


     The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, visited North District this afternoon (June 1) to keep abreast of its law and order situation and the livelihood of local people. He also visited a counselling centre for psychotropic substance abusers in the district.
     Accompanied by the District Officer (North), Mr Chong Wing-wun, Mr Lee first met with members of the North District Council to exchange views on law and order matters and other issues relating to people's livelihood in the district.
     Afterwards, Mr Lee visited the Cheer Lutheran Centre, whose main service is to provide counselling for psychotropic substance abusers and youths at risk, helping them quit drugs and develop healthy lifestyles.
     Mr Lee was briefed on the "We Cycle II" bicycle guided tour and volunteer training scheme under which rehabilitees are recruited and trained to be guides of bicycle tours to places of interest in North District and to provide voluntary services in the community. Mr Lee said he was pleased to see that the scheme helps rehabilitees to re-establish self-confidence, strengthen their resolve in staying away from drugs, and promote community acceptance of drug treatment and rehabilitation services. He encouraged participants of the scheme to maintain a positive life attitude and continue to serve the community.

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