Secretary for Justice to visit Shanghai

     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, will visit Shanghai from August 18 to 20.

     During the visit, Ms Cheng together with Hong Kong legal and dispute resolution practitioners will meet with officials of the Shanghai Government and visit Mainland courts. They will also meet with representatives from the professional sectors in the Mainland to exchange views on legal co-operation between Shanghai and Hong Kong and other matters of mutual interest.
     On August 20, they will attend the "Mediate First Pledge" Event, co-organised by the Department of Justice, the Shanghai Law Society and the Shanghai Commercial Mediation Centre, in Shanghai. This is the first time the series of "Mediate First Pledge" Event to be held outside Hong Kong. Ms Cheng will speak at the event to encourage greater understanding of the concept of "mediate first" and the use of mediation by different sectors to resolve different types of disputes, as well as promoting the mediation services of Hong Kong.
     Ms Cheng will return to Hong Kong on August 20.