Secretary for Justice attends Tsinghua World Forum on Rule of Law

     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, started her visit to Beijing today (September 9). 
     She attended the Tsinghua World Forum on the Rule of Law, where she delivered a speech in the session on "Regional Economic Integration, Trade Disputes and the Construction of the Rule of Law" and participated in the panel discussion. 
     In the speech, Ms Cheng said that Asia has become an active player in the development of international rule of law, especially in the field of international trade and investment.  Using Hong Kong as an example of special economic zone, she highlighted the continuation of the common law system in Hong Kong under the "one country, two systems" policy.
     Under the theme "Global Economic Transition and Construction of the Rule of Law", the forum discussed issues including regional economic integration, trade disputes and construction of the rule of law, international investment opportunities and legal risk management, as well as legal responses to the advancements of information technologies.
     Ms Cheng will fly to Incheon, Korea this evening to attend the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Inter-sessional Regional Meeting on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Reform. She will speak on third party funding of arbitration and mediation and join the roundtable discussion.