Second-term Human Resources Planning Commission convenes fourth meeting

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, chaired the fourth meeting of the second-term Human Resources Planning Commission held online this afternoon (April 1).

     At the meeting, members were briefed on the key findings of a study on Hong Kong youth's willingness to pursue a career in Mainland cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), as well as the policy recommendations made in the study to encourage more Hong Kong youth to work in GBA Mainland cities. The study was conducted by the Hong Kong Guangdong Youth Association (the Association), the University of Hong Kong and the Proactive Think Tank in September and October last year. It was the third consecutive year for the Association to conduct similar studies.
     Members generally agreed that there was an abundance of opportunities brought about by GBA development. Hong Kong youth should actively explore various development opportunities in the GBA in planning their career development. Members suggested that organisations with Mainland connections and knowledge should leverage their strengths to collaborate with the Government to promote GBA development and encourage Hong Kong youth to pursue a career in the GBA. The study provided insights to the Government and different sectors in Hong Kong in understanding Hong Kong youth's considerations in deciding whether to pursue a career in GBA Mainland cities for exploring further measures to facilitate Hong Kong youth to integrate into GBA development.

     In addition, members were also briefed by the Government on the Global STEM Professorship Scheme announced in the Chief Executive's 2020 Policy Address.

     Members noted that the objective of the Scheme was to support the eight universities funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) in recruiting internationally renowned I&T scholars and their teams to work in Hong Kong by providing funding for the universities in order to offer more competitive remuneration packages.  By doing so, it can help attract more world-renowned scholars to engage in I&T-related teaching and research activities in Hong Kong, thereby expanding the I&T talent pool of Hong Kong. Up to 100 professorships can be awarded under the Scheme, with each eligible scholar receiving a subsidy for at most five years. The Scheme is estimated to cost around $2 billion. The relevant subsidy will cover remuneration of the awarded scholars, subsidies for the research teams and costs of setting up laboratories.

     To implement the Scheme, the Government will establish an Assessment Panel comprising representatives from different sectors, which will be responsible for vetting nominations and making recommendations. The Panel will develop a set of stringent and objective assessment criteria and adopt a merit-based approach in determining the suitability of the candidates. UGC-funded universities will recruit scholars through their existing channels and submit their nominations for the Panel's review. The Scheme is expected to be open for applications from the second quarter of this year onwards.

     Members supported the Government in launching the Scheme, which helps Hong Kong to attract world-renowned I&T scholars and their teams to come to Hong Kong and contribute to the city's I&T development. Members hoped that the Scheme could be rolled out as soon as practicable and offered suggestions on the implementation details of the Scheme.