Second shipment of Comirnaty vaccine arrives in Hong Kong

     The second shipment of about 758 000 doses of the Comirnaty vaccine, jointly developed by Fosun Pharma and BioNTech, arrived in Hong Kong today (March 7). Together with the 585 000 doses delivered to Hong Kong in late February, a total of about 1 343 000 doses of the Comirnaty vaccine has arrived in Hong Kong.

     Soon after the arrival of the some 758 000 doses of the Comirnaty vaccine in Hong Kong, staff carried out stringent checking and inspection of the vaccine in accordance with established procedures to ensure that it complies with the product specifications and that the transportation process follows the relevant cold-chain requirements. The Government would put the vaccine in validated ultra-low temperature freezers to ensure its proper storage in accordance with the temperature specified by the drug manufacturer.

     People belonging to the five priority groups can now make reservations through the online booking system on the designated website of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme ( for receiving the Comirnaty vaccine at the seven Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs) operated by the Hospital Authority (HA) for the period from March 10 to 30.

     Besides, people in the five priority groups can make online bookings to receive the Sinovac vaccine at eight CVCs and 18 HA general out-patient clinics for the period until March 28. They can also make an appointment for vaccination direct with a private doctor or clinic under the programme, without going through the government online booking system. The list of participating private doctors and clinics is available on the designated website of the programme (

     Information about the vaccination venues, including CVCs, general out-patient clinics of the HA, and private doctors and clinics participating in the programme can be found on the GeoInfo Map ( and the Interactive Map Dashboard of COVID-19 ( on the designated website.

     Vaccination will protect oneself and others, and reduce the chance of an outbreak of the epidemic in the community. The Government calls on people in the five priority groups to get vaccinated as soon as possible so that Hong Kong's economy and people's daily life can return to normal as soon as possible.