Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) Statistical Forum successfully held in Shenzhen (with photos)


     The Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) Statistical Forum was held on October 24 and 25 in Qianhai, Shenzhen. Under the guidance of the National Bureau of Statistics, the forum was hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics and co-organised by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other government statistical agencies from the "9+2" cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr Leo Yu, led a delegation to participate in this meaningful event.
     In addition to the attendance of leaders from the National Bureau of Statistics and the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, the forum brought together statistical experts from various fields, including representatives from the government statistical agencies of the "9+2" cities in the GBA, as well as those from higher education institutions and research institutes on the Mainland. Themed "Deepening statistical co-operation to promote high-quality development", the forum offered an opportunity to foster statistical exchanges and co-operation in the GBA by providing a platform for statistical professionals from the "9+2" cities to leverage the collective wisdom and insights to explore more collaborative paths, and to jointly drive innovation in statistical work, with a view to elevating the level of statistical work amid the rapid development of the times.
     Speaking at the opening ceremony of the forum, Mr Yu remarked, "Perhaps you have heard the saying 'data is the new oil', which means that data, like oil, will become valuable after proper refining. Therefore, we also have to actively strengthen our statistical infrastructure, adopt modern techniques and methods for data collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination, in order to properly refine the data. This does not only enhance the value of data, but also reduces the workload of junior colleagues and improves work effectiveness. In this connection, it helps release more manpower for further research and innovation, expand the scope and improve the quality of our services, enabling our statistical work to advance faster, farther, and more proactively."
     Senior statistician of the C&SD Mr Tsang Tat-shing also delivered a presentation entitled "Modernisation of Statistical Business Processes in Hong Kong" at one of the sessions of the forum. Colleagues who participated in the forum unanimously expressed that it was a very valuable experience for them to exchange knowledge and learn from statistical professionals from the Mainland cities. It enabled them to acquire insights into the ongoing advancement of statistical techniques on the Mainland, and served as a reminder for them to actively explore and embrace changes in the dynamic era of big data, in order to seize opportunities and tackle challenges in the future.
     The forum was held in Shenzhen and was attended by representatives of statistical organisations from Beijing, Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, Macao, etc, through online and in-person participation. Relevant officials from the statistical systems of the cities in the GBA, as well as experts and scholars from national think tanks and renowned universities also shared their views on the statistical measurement of digital economy, statistical monitoring of high-quality development, research on data science and big data statistical applications, statistical reform and innovation, etc.

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