Search begins for new Chair of Social Care Wales
Social Care Wales has a responsibility to protect, promote and maintain the safety and well-being of the public in Wales. It is an integral part of the Welsh public service and is a Welsh Government sponsored body.
Social Care Wales is responsible for promoting and maintaining:
- high standards in the provision of care and support services;
- high standards of conduct and practice among social care workers;
- high standards in the training of social care workers, and;
- public confidence in social care workers.
Apply: Welsh Government Public Appointments
The main duties of the Chair to the Social Care Wales Board is to make decisions, provide leadership, approve strategies, monitor performance and provide a final decision on how best to utilise expenditure within Social Care Wales.
The Board is lay led which means that there will always be more people who use services, carers and members of the public, on the Board than professionals from the care sector.
The new Chair will be eligible for remuneration of £337 per day and travel and subsistence in accordance with Welsh Government guidance, for a time commitment of 8 days per month (this includes Board, Committee and stakeholder meetings).
The new Chair would be expected to take up post from 1st August 2019.
The Welsh Government is also seeing to recruit one new Member (currently there are 13 lay Members on the board and this is the appointment of the 14th Member.)
Social Care Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies said:
“This is an exciting opportunity for someone with a real commitment to improving the social care and early years’ sectors in Wales to use their skills and experiences to make a difference to both these vitally important sectors. They would be expected to help build confidence in the workforce, and to lead and support improvement in social care throughout Wales.
“I want to encourage anyone who thinks they can make that difference to apply for these important roles.”