SDEV visits Wong Tai Sin District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, visited Wong Tai Sin District this afternoon (October 26) to inspect the improvement works for the Kai Tak River. He also met with local District Council members to exchange views on district matters.

     Accompanied by the Chairman of the Wong Tai Sin District Council, Mr Li Tak-hong, and the District Officer (Wong Tai Sin), Ms Annie Kong, Mr Wong was briefed by the Chief Engineer of the Drainage Services Department, Mr Raymond Tai, on the background, features and progress of the Kai Tak River makeover.

     The Kai Tak River improvement works have been implemented in phases since 2011, with a view to enhancing drainage capacity to mitigate flooding risks at Choi Hung Road. The department also took the opportunity to revitalise the nullah into the first urban green river corridor in Hong Kong by injecting various greening and ecological elements into the project, including growing different types of plants along the banks of the river and installing fish shelters and flow deflectors in the riverbed to provide a suitable environment for fish to colonise it.

     Mr Wong then met with members of the Wong Tai Sin District Council to listen to their views and suggestions on the work of the Government. They also exchanged views on issues of concern to local residents.

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