SDEV to visit Singapore

     The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, will depart for an official visit to Singapore tomorrow (January 12). He will meet senior government officials and visit building projects to learn more about Singapore's work and experience with urban planning and development, adoption of innovative construction technologies as well as its efforts in promoting green buildings.

     During his visit, Mr Wong will hold discussions with senior officials of the Building and Construction Authority, the Housing and Development Board and the Urban Redevelopment Authority. He will call on the Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Minister for Transport, Mr Khaw Boon Wan, and hold a lunch meeting with the Minister for National Development, Mr Lawrence Wong.

     In addition, Mr Wong will visit building projects constructed with Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) modules to learn more about the process, the experience of Singapore in promoting the adoption of this innovative construction method, as well as the achievement of employing MiC in uplifting the overall performance of the construction industry. He will also visit off-site yards to gain a better understanding of the workflow and process of assembling free-standing integrated MiC modules.

     Accompanying Mr Wong on the visit will be the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr Lam Sai-hung, and the Principal Government Engineer, Mr John Kwong.

     Mr Wong will return to Hong Kong in the afternoon of January 15. During his absence, the Under Secretary for Development, Mr Liu Chun-san, will be the Acting Secretary for Development.