SDEV continues visit to Beijing (with photos)

     The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, continued her visit in Beijing today (November 9).
     In the morning, Ms Linn met with the Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism and Administrator of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, Mr Li Qun, to exchange views on areas such as research on archaeology and built heritage, conservation, talents training, education and promotion. Under the framework agreement to further promote cultural heritage exchange and collaboration on archaeology and built heritage between the Mainland and Hong Kong signed last year, Hong Kong will continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with the National Cultural Heritage Administration to facilitate the development of Hong Kong into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.
     Ms Linn then called on the Ministry of Natural Resources and exchanged views with the Head of the Department of Sea Area and Island Management, Mr Gao Zhongwen, on the handling of inert construction and demolition materials of Hong Kong.
     In the afternoon, Ms Linn visited the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and met with the Director General of the Department of Regional Economy of the NDRC, Mr Wu Shulin. Ms Linn briefed him on the latest development of land and infrastructure in Hong Kong, in particular how the two major development projects, the Northern Metropolis and the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, will expand the scope and capacity of Hong Kong's development, enable a new industry pattern, facilitate Hong Kong's active participation in the high-quality economic cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and better integration into the national development.
     Later, Ms Linn met with Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources Mr Tian Xuebin. They exchanged views on issues including Dongjiang water supply, development of smart waterworks, and enhanced cooperation in water technology, water resources management and combating climate change in the GBA. Ms Linn thanked the Ministry of Water Resources and the Water Resources Department of Guangdong Province for their enormous efforts in safeguarding sufficient water supply and water safety for Hong Kong, providing strong support for Hong Kong's social and economic development in terms of water resources.
     Ms Linn will call on the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council tomorrow (November 10) and return to Hong Kong in the afternoon.
     The Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr Ricky Lau, and the Director of the Northern Metropolis Co-ordination Office, Mr Vic Yau, also joined the visit.

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