Sculpture in the City – new exhibition

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Over the summer, Museum Services has been working with Art UK, Historic Environment Scotland, the Menzieshill Photography Group and other volunteers to map and record Dundeeā€™s amazing collection of public art. 

We have so far documented over 450 pieces and you can now see a selection of photographs taken by our volunteers in a new exhibition, Sculpture in the City – Celebrating Public Art in Dundee, showing in the Sharing Not Hoarding poster boards on the north east corner of Slessor Gardens. 

The exhibition features striking photographs of public sculpture and has been funded by Art UK using HLF funding as part of its Sculpture Around You programme. It has been curated by Museum Services with artist David Oudney. 

We have various other plans to promote public art in Dundee, including another exhibition by the Menzieshill Photography Group coming up at Dundee Central Library and a new Facebook page here.

The exhibition runs until 2 November. Find out more on the Sharing Not Hoarding website here.