SCS visits Police Force (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, visited the Police Force today (June 5) to learn more about the use of technology in police investigations and to meet with staff of various grades to exchange views on matters of concern.

     Accompanied by the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management), Mr Kwok Yam-shu, Mr Nip first visited the Crime Support Group and was briefed on the functions and operation of the Major Incident Investigation and Disaster Support System. The system is used mainly in work such as large-scale incident case investigations, the identification of victims in disasters and epidemic case analyses.

     Mr Nip was particularly interested in knowing how the Police make use of the system to assist the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health in the tracing of the sources of infection and relevant contact tracing for confirmed cases during the COVID-19 epidemic.

     Mr Nip then proceeded to the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau to receive an update on the bureau's work in combating technology crime and safeguarding cyber security in Hong Kong, as well as on the challenges ahead. He also toured the Cyber Range, which is equipped with advanced training management systems to facilitate team-based simulation exercises on cyber defence in a virtual environment. The range helps enhance the Force's capabilities in detecting cyber threats and handling cyber security incidents.

     Mr Nip expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Police colleagues for displaying dedication and professionalism in coping with the challenges arising from social incidents during the past year and the COVID-19 epidemic.

     Before concluding his visit, Mr Nip met with staff representatives of various grades at a tea gathering to listen and exhange views with them on issues of concern. He also conveyed his warmest regards to those police officers who were attacked and had sustained injuries in the social incidents last year. He encouraged them to continue to stand fast in their posts and protect the safety of the public.

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