SCS visits Government Flying Service (with photo)

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Joshua Law, today (November 12) visited the Government Flying Service (GFS) to meet with its management and staff of various grades and learn more about their work.

     Accompanied by the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Thomas Chow, Mr Law first met with the Controller of the GFS, Captain Michael Chan, and the directorate staff to get an update on the department's work in search, rescue and aviation support services and their challenges.
     He then visited the Hangar and was briefed by colleagues on the aircraft and mission equipment used in operations. He also watched a demonstration of the role change on helicopters to meet operational needs. 

     Mr Law was also shown the H-175 Guépard Helicopter newly procured by the GFS. He said he was pleased to learn that with enhanced capacity and advanced equipment, the new helicopter, which has gradually come into service, will assist colleagues in discharging their duties more effectively.

     Before concluding his visit, Mr Law met with staff representatives of various grades at a tea gathering to exchange views on matters of concern. He encouraged them to continue to provide professional and quality aviation support services to members of the public.