SCS speaks on COVID-19 Vaccination Programme


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, at a media session after attending the Legislative Council Public Works Subcommittee meeting this morning (September 15):
Reporter: Officials have kind of mentioned that they will be sending teams to go up to housing estates to kind of convince more elderly people to get vaccinated. When will that plan start? Do you have like a certain target of which district maybe?
Secretary for the Civil Service: Currently, we are focusing our efforts in organising health talks, medical consultations and on-site vaccinations in various districts. These involve the local personalities to mobilise the elderly in the districts to come to the health talks and then to receive the vaccination. We will review the process and if necessary, of course, we could send teams to the homes of the elderly to facilitate them to vaccinate. But now, I think our focus is on organising these health talks and also organising vaccination outreach at shopping malls or public housing estates.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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