Scottish Labour

SNP’s record in government exposed

The SNP’s record in government has today been exposed in a series of damning revelations:


Audit Scotland, the independent public sector watchdog, has highlighted the staffing crisis in our NHS. This is the direct result of Nicola Sturgeon’s decisions when she was Health Secretary. Labour has been warning about this for...Read More »

Damning Audit Scotland report reveals the scale of the SNP’s NHS mismanagement



A damning Audit Scotland report has revealed the scale of the SNP’s mismanagement of our NHS.

The report details the SNP staffing crisis in our health service, which began under Nicola Sturgeon when she was Health Secretary.

It states:

• There has been a 107 per cent increase in agency...Read More »

Thousands of apprentices earn less than the National Minimum Wage

Thousands of apprentices in Scotland are being paid less than the National Minimum Wage.

A total of 14 per cent of apprentices across the country get less than £5.55 per hour – while 2.2 percent are earning less than £2.67 per hour.

Low pay is particularly endemic in certain professions, with 42...Read More »


The number of childcare providers has fallen to the lowest level on record, despite the SNP promising a ‘revolution’ in childcare.

New figures reveal the number of childcare providers is down by almost 1,000 since 2008. The fall includes a reduction in the number of childminders, with almost 400 lost in...Read More »

Zero hour workers earn third less than other workers

Scottish Labour has today called for a ban on zero hours contracts after research revealed that staff earn a third less than workers on the average wage.
The median pay for a zero-hours workers is just £7.49-an-hour compared with £12.17-an-hour for all employees in Scotland, a difference of £4.68.
In...Read More »

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