Scottish Labour

SNP false claims over WASPI exposed

Over 2.5 million women born in the 1950s have had their state pension age changed without fair notification, leaving many in poverty. Scottish Labour believes these women deserve both recognition for the injustice they have suffered, and compensation for their losses. Around 253,000 Scottish women have been affected by this...Read More »

SNP’s welfare powers delay will punish 130,000 disabled Scots

The state of play

Nearly 130,000 disabled Scots could be forced to go through cruel Tory assessments because the SNP has delayed the transfer of social security powers to Holyrood.
More than 128,000 working-age Scots currently in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) are due to be assessed for the new...Read More »

Tory benefits cap is an attack on single parents

In 2015, Labour MPs tabled amendments to exempt lone parents with young children from the Tories’ benefits cap. The Conservatives refused to listen.

That cruel decision means thousands of families have been pushed into poverty as a result. Today, we can reveal the huge impact this has had.

Official analysis shows that...Read More »

Tories must halt Universal Credit roll-out



Scottish Labour deputy leader Alex Rowley has today demanded that Tory plans to roll-out Universal Credit are halted. Alex has written to Conservative Work and Pensions Secretary David Gauke, amid growing concerns that families are being pushed into poverty and debt. He has also challenged...Read More »

Labour’s plan to boost school leaver opportunities



We want to improve opportunities for Scotland’s young people.
They must be equipped with the skills they need to compete for the jobs of tomorrow.
That’s why Labour is the only party opposed to Tory and SNP austerity. We would invest in Scotland’s education...Read More »

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