Scottish Labour

Labour’s plan to improve Scotland’s railways

Labour would invest in a modern, integrated, accessible transport system that is reliable and affordable.


Our transport systems illustrate the abject failure of Tory policies; relentless deregulation, privatisation and fragmentation. In Scotland, ten years of the SNP has also left people desperate for transformative change.

This week, we revealed that ScotRail trains...Read More »

Increasing the number of new mothers in Scotland who breastfeed

5 August 2017


Scottish Labour has today unveiled proposals to include breastfeeding equipment in Scotland’s new baby box.


Breastfeeding rates are lower in more deprived areas and among younger mothers. Across Scotland, almost half of babies born in 2015/16 were being breastfed at their health visitor first visit, at around ten days...Read More »

Tackling Scotland’s housing crisis

6 August 2017 

Home is at the heart of all of our lives.

It’s the foundation on which we raise our families, the bedrock of our dreams and aspirations. But for too many people, the housing pressures they face are getting worse, not better.

There is a housing crisis in Scotland. With overcrowding...Read More »

We honour Keir Hardie by keeping alive his ideas and promoting his work

In August 1892 – 125 years ago today – Keir Hardie took his seat in the UK Parliament.


The MP for West Ham South had defeated the Conservatives in an election and would now be sitting at the very heart of British democracy. In his 35 years, he had come a...Read More »

Labour created the welfare state and will always fight to protect it

By Alex Rowley MSP, Scottish Labour deputy leader

WHEN the recent oil price crash hit the north-east, thousands of Scots were suddenly left without work.
The number of unemployment benefit claimants soared in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, with many without a job for the first time in their lives.
This is why...Read More »

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