Scottish Labour

Scotland can lead world with Labour’s plan to end period poverty

14 August 2017 

Access to sanitary products should be a basic right,but too many people in Scotland can't afford or obtain what they need. 

That's why Labour MSP  Monica Lennon is proposing world leading legislation to end period poverty. 

Monica has has launched a consultation on her Member's Bill which proposes:

•             Put a duty on...Read More »

A lack of investment is cutting off opportunities for our young people.

13 August 2017

Education was supposed to be the number one priority for the SNP – but the numbers just don't add up.

Since the SNP came to power, education has seen a smaller share of public spending, meaning that millions of pounds less has been spent on education than if the...Read More »

Scotland can be fairer, greener and better with Labour

12 August 2017

Scotland can be a fairer, greener and better country, here are 15 things we would do to make Scotland greener.

1. Aspiring to generate 50 per cent of our electricity, heat and transport demand from renewables by 2030.

2. Stress-testing all Scottish Government policies against climate commitments.

3. Banning onshore...Read More »

Tax and spend, SNP style.

10 August 2017 

This is tax and spend, SNP style.

1.) The SNP’s proposal to cut the rate of Air Departure Tax by 50 per cent is estimated to cost as much as £189 million a year by the end of the Parliament.

2.) That is more than the SNP government’s attempt to...Read More »

SNP must rule out increasing bus pass age

Scotland’s public transport system is a patchwork of services, with many areas left behind with no decent provision.

Bus services are grinding to a halt and passenger numbers have declined by 78 million since 2007.

Public money has been siphoned off through privatisation and used to fund the rocketing earnings of directors,...Read More »

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