Scottish Labour

Remembering Srebrenica




Next month marks 12 years since the Bosnian town of Srebrenica was seized by General Ratko Mladić. What followed was the worst atrocity on European soil since World War Two – almost 9,000 Muslim men and boys were murdered because of their religion and between 20,000 and 50,000 women were...Read More »

There is clear support for a pro-UK, anti-austerity party

Well, what a result.

Everyone wrote the Labour Party off – both here in Scotland, and across the UK.

But we defied the pollsters, with Labour making significant gains on what will be remembered as a historic election night.

In Scotland we gained six seats from the SNP – nearly a quarter of...Read More »

Your general election vote is a clear choice between hope and despair

6 July 2017 

On Thursday, you will decide the future of our country.

The choice facing you at the ballot box could not be greater.

It is a choice between hope or despair, progress or retreat, growth or decline.

The Labour Party offers a positive vision for the entire United Kingdom. Our government will...Read More »

Our new Election Broadcast: vote Labour on Thursday

Nicola Sturgeon’s broken record in government will be exposed today in a new Labour Party Election Broadcast.

The hard-hitting PEB, to be broadcast this evening, accuses the SNP leader of ‘playing a broken record’ as she continues to campaign for a divisive second...Read More »

Comment on terrorist attacks in London

Commenting on the terrorist attacks in London, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

"My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families after the horrific terrorist attacks in London last night.

"Once again our nation finds itself under attack from those who hate our way of life and seek...Read More »

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