Scottish Labour

It’s time for a united Britain that works for the many, not the few.

23 June 2017 

Kezia Dugdale writes for the Times Red Box on the Queen's speech: 

When Theresa May planned the Queen’s speech before calling her snap General Election, she would have thought it would be anything but threadbare.

She was planning to have a commanding Commons majority, allowing her to force through a...Read More »

The Queen’s speech is a ‘weak, vague and mean-spirited programme from a government in meltdown’

Shadow Scottish Secretary Lesley Laird said the proposals from the Tories fail to reflect the message that voters sent Theresa May in this month’s General Election.

The Prime Minister has no mandate for her pro-austerity policies or her plan for a Brexit that will leave people worse off.

Some...Read More »

Five things that need to be in the Queen’s Speech

20 June 2017

This week Theresa May will attempt to produce a Queen’s Speech. Here are five things that need to be in it.

Reverse planned cuts to social security
Tories plans to slash social security will see low income workers, families and the most vulnerable lose out over £1 billion by...Read More »

We deserve to hear the truth behind Theresa May’s Brexit talks

This time last year I was campaigning hard for Britain to remain in the EU. Twelve months on, and not only have we been through a referendum when voters chose to leave the EU, we have a different Prime Minister who is now hanging on to her job by a...Read More »

Supporting Scotland’s carers

16 June 2017

This week is Carers Week. They are the unsung heroes of our country.

There are at least 759,000 carers aged 16 and over in Scotland and 49,000 young carers. The value of care provided by carers in Scotland is more than £10 billion every year.

At some point of our...Read More »

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