Scottish Labour

Young workers deserve a better deal

9 July 2017

Younger workers are being failed by the SNP and the Tories. Here’s why.

The SNP Business Pledge – a promise to pay the living wage and not use zero hour contracts amongst other things – has been signed by ZERO hospitality businesses, the government's own figures show.

In fact –...Read More »

After a decade of distraction it’s time to focus on building an economy for the many

After a decade of distraction, it is time for a clear and determined focus on building an economy for the many, not the few.

It shows how utterly dire the SNP government’s economic performance has become that ministers this week were celebrating GDP figures showing Scotland had narrowly avoided entering recession....Read More »

Government must deliver economic growth - Laird

By Lesley Laird MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland

Delivering economic growth is one of the most important jobs of government.
It is the driver behind higher living standards, better jobs and improved public services.
Without UK businesses flourishing, the UK itself cannot flourish.
The north-east as a region knows...Read More »

Danielle Rowley MP: Maiden speech

Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, for calling me to make my maiden speech. First, I congratulate my hon. Friend the Member for Lincoln (Ms Lee) on her fantastic maiden speech. I share her passion for representing our constituents. I also congratulate my fellow Scot, the hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland...Read More »

Scottish Labour unveils industrial strategy

Today, Kezia Dugdale, Jackie Baillie, and Richard Leonard launched our industrial strategy at Leonardo Airborne and Space Systems.
It is a radical blueprint for placing Scotland at the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution.
And a radical plan is needed.

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