Scottish Labour

Kez Dugdale responds to Brexit Bill

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale today said Labour will not support the Tories’ EU Withdrawal Bill unless there is a ‘clear presumption of devolution’.

Ms Dugdale said the Tories are intent on forcing through a Brexit that risks jobs and livelihoods, and the SNP has no interest in the deal that...Read More »

Labour promises pay rise to 130,000 young Scots

New figures show Scottish Labour’s plan to create a Real Living Wage of £10-per-hour would give a pay rise to 130,000 young people in Scotland.

Unveiled in Labour’s manifesto last month, which inspired millions of young people across Britain to vote Labour, our plan would bring an end to low-paid...Read More »

We need action on period poverty now

Today the Scottish Government is launching a pilot scheme in Aberdeen providing free sanitary products to women and girls on lower incomes.

I'm pleased the campaign I have started as an opposition MSP has pushed SNP Ministers to act, but the reality is that women and girls urgently need national...Read More »

Frank McAveety’s tribute to Alistair Watson

Alistair Watson Tribute

To all who are here today – Elected Members, Leader of the Council, former Leaders, MPs and MSPs – thank you for coming today on such a sad occasion.

I stand here today, on behalf of the Glasgow Labour Party, fellow councillors and party comrades, carrying out a task...Read More »

Help to Buy isn’t helping working people

New analysis from Scottish Labour has shown the SNP’s ‘help to buy’ scheme is failing to help working people.

The analysis shows the average annual income of households benefitting from the scheme was £46,000. Yet the median average income in Scotland is around £27,000 with many earning less than that.

Young people...Read More »

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