Scottish Labour

Private NHS spending almost £600 million under SNP

Almost £600 million has been spent on private agency staff under the SNP, it was revealed today.
Figures show spending on clinical and non-clinical agency staff has soared from £82million in 2011/12 to a staggering £175million in 2015/16 – an increase of 113 per cent.
A new analysis by Scottish...Read More »

NHS agency nurse spending rises six-fold

New figures have revealed NHS spending on agency nurses in Scotland has risen six-fold in just five years.

In 2010/11, health boards spent a total of just under £4million on agency nurses – but that number sky-rocketed to more than £24million by 2016/17.

Yet in the same period, the number of nursing...Read More »


Scottish Labour can reveal almost 20 hospital services that are under-threat – as a result of decisions taken by the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon.

As a result of choices taken by Nicola Sturgeon to cut training places and a failure to address insufficient numbers of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals,...Read More »

Labour’s five-point plan to eradicate working poverty

This week marked 15 years since a Labour government introduced tax credits. They have lifted millions out of poverty across Britain and they are one our proudest achievements.

But after nearly a decade of Tory and SNP austerity, there remains much more to do to tackle poverty.

Working poverty in Scotland is...Read More »

Paul Sweeney MP: Maiden speech

Mr Speaker, right honorable and honorable Members, I am grateful for this opportunity to deliver my maiden speech, and during a debate on such a tumultuous event in our nation’s history.

It is customary for a new Member to make some reference to his predecessors, and reflecting upon the introductory remarks...Read More »

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