Scottish Labour

Labour launches NHS Workforce Commission

Scottish Labour has launched the NHS and Social Care Workforce Commission 

The Health and Social Care Workforce Commission has been setup after a decade of SNP mismanagement of our NHS, which has seen a chronic shortage of NHS and social care staff across the sector.

During her time as Health Secretary, Nicola...Read More »

WASPI Women face ‘double whammy’ from the Tories

The Tories have delivered a ‘double whammy’ to women born in the 1950s by raising the state pension age from 60 to 66 with no transitional arrangements, while telling women to go to job centres they are now closing.

Guy Opperman, the Pensions Minister, asked the women effected by...Read More »

SNP must act to reduce childcare costs - Johnson

A Family and Childcare Trust survey published today has revealed childcare costs in Scotland are higher than the UK average.

It is deeply concerning that childcare throughout the summer holidays costs almost £300 more in Scotland than it did ten years ago.

Families face enough difficulties with the cost of living,...Read More »

Tory plans to close Jobcentres must be stopped

Theresa May plans to close Jobcentres across the country is cutting a lifeline for out-of-work Scots.

Shadow Scotland Office Minister Paul Sweeney challenged the Prime Minister in Parliament this afternoon on the proposal to close ten centres across Scotland, including six in Glasgow.

Paul Sweeney said the plans are perverse, given the...Read More »

Tories must end public sector pay cap

The Tories and SNP have failed to stand up for our public sector workers.

Shadow Scottish Secretary Lesley Laird used the first Scottish Questions since the election today to tell the Tories they are in ‘complete chaos’ on the future of the unfair public sector pay cap.

Chancellor Philip Hammond has reportedly...Read More »

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