Scottish Government

Improving Scotland’s collective response to child victims

First step in developing national Barnahus standards for Scotland.


Earlier this year, the Scottish Government commissioned Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) and the Care Inspectorate to develop a set of standards to introduce the Barnahus concept to Scotland as part of our commitment to improving how the criminal justice system serves...Read More »

Scottish Government response to review of legal services regulation

Minister for Community Safety Ash Denham has outlined the Scottish Government’s response to Esther Roberton’s review of legal services regulation in Scotland.

Ms Denham said:

“I’m grateful to Esther Roberton and her team for their work to consider what changes may be needed to the regulation of legal services in Scotland....Read More »

Review of police stop and search

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has welcomed an independent report into the use of police stop and search powers.


The report on the Stop and Search Code of Practice, carried out by the Independent Advisory Group covers the first 12 months of the code’s operation up to 31 May...Read More »

Justice Secretary responds to Home Detention Curfew reports

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has welcomed the publication of progress reviews by HM Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland (HMIPS) and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) into the arrangements for home detention curfew (HDC) in Scotland.

Both independent reviews identify good progress against the recommendations made by the...Read More »

Expert Review of Mental Health and Wellbeing Support for Young People in Custody

Responding to the findings of the Expert Review of the Provision of Mental Health Services, for young people entering and in custody at HMP YOI Polmont, Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said:

“I am grateful to HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland and Dr Helen Smith for the breadth and depth of...Read More »

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