Scottish Government

Justice Secretary comments on homicide figures


Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has responded to the publication of the latest official figures showing there were 60 cases of homicide in 2018-19 – the third lowest level since 1976.

Mr Yousaf said:

“While the number...Read More »

Working together to challenge human trafficking in Scotland

by Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf

Human trafficking is a stain on modern society. We have given Scotland’s police, prosecutors and the courts new powers to tackle those who prey on the vulnerable and sustain this nefarious trade in human misery.

It is often an international and cross-border crime which can be challenging...Read More »

Brexit guidance for legal professionals

The Scottish Government has published guidance for legal professionals to help them cope with a possible ‘no deal’ exit.

Two guides cover the changes to cross border civil justice cooperation in family cases and in civil and commercial cases.

Minister for Community Safety Ash Denham said:

“With the UK Government refusing to take...Read More »

Throughcare support for people leaving prison

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has welcomed news that two third sector partnerships will extend the range of support they deliver for people leaving prison.

The ‘New Routes’ and ‘Shine’ partnerships, led by Wise Group and Sacro respectively, will make support available for more prisoners released from short term sentences of up...Read More »

Judicial factors consultation launched

A consultation has been launched on modernising the law around judicial factors to bring clarity, accessibility and efficiency to an important but outmoded area of the law.

A judicial factor is a person appointed by the court to...Read More »

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