Scottish Government

Five years of Police Scotland: A thank you

Justice Secretary Michael Matheson reflects on a time of change for the police service.

I am reminded every day in my role as Justice Secretary of the commitment and dedication of Scotland’s police officers and police staff. With crime in Scotland at a record low, and down 43% since 2006,...Read More »

Marking five years of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Community Safety Minister Annabelle Ewing looks back on the first five years of the single service.


Today marks the fifth anniversary of Scotland’s fire reforms and the creation of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). It is fair to say that the merger of eight...Read More »

The week in review

This week marks the fifth anniversary of the creation of Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. With the anniversary itself on Sunday (April 1), look out for plenty of activity on Twitter and Facebook as well as police and fire partners as we mark five...Read More »

Further action to tackle sectarianism

Nine projects will receive £515,000 for anti-sectarianism work – building on the unprecedented investment in this area by the Scottish Government in recent years.

The new funding will help reduce and prevent sectarianism in communities by delivering education in schools and workplaces. The new initiatives build on previous Scottish Government investment...Read More »

The week in review

This week’s round-up includes the announcement of Scotland’s new HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, planned reforms to the oversight of police use of biometric data, and a report into the prevalence of cyber crime in Scotland.

New Code for police use of biometric data

Plans for a...Read More »

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