Scottish Government

National Missing Person Framework for Scotland: An Update

People who go missing often do so because they lack that sense of belonging and have lost the trust in society that most of us take for granted. In any given year, well over 20,000 missing person investigations are conducted in Scotland. Many of these relate to vulnerable...Read More »

Michael Matheson announces £700,000 CashBack funding boost

Visiting a youth project in one of Scotland’s most deprived communities, Justice Secretary, Michael Matheson has announced over a £700,000 boost for disadvantaged young people across the country.

In this latest round of funding in the Year of Young People, YouthLink Scotland, on behalf of Scottish Government, has awarded over £717,886...Read More »

Week in review

This week’s round-up includes news of greater public awareness of human trafficking in Scotland, the latest independent assurance on police call-handling improvements, and the appointment of a new independent inspector for the country’s prisons.

Growing public awareness of human trafficking

A survey published this week highlighted growing public awareness of human trafficking...Read More »

GDPR  – a change to data protection law

The General Data Protection Regulations comes into force on May 25, 2018, giving individuals more control over their personal data, and ensuring that organisations collect and process that information properly and securely. To find out more about GDPR, visit the Information Commissioner’s website.

We collect personal data on this blog...Read More »

Justice and Safety 2018-05-18 18:14:55

Ministers have had another busy week dealing with and meeting with key partners across a range of justice system and public safety issues – from launching a consultation on a major review of family law, to seeing first-hand an innovative scheme to help steer young people away from the risk...Read More »

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