Scottish Government

Financial redress for survivors of abuse in care

Over a period of decades, children in the care of the state in Scotland were subject to appalling abuse and mistreatment.

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry is looking at the nature and extent of that abuse and the failures which allowed it to happen. In due course, it will publish a...Read More »

Can we measure justice?

Guest bloggers and researchers Sarah Armstrong, Beth Weaver and Trish McCulloch ask whether we can measure justice and how different people experience justice?

How do people experience justice? How do people decide if justice is just? These questions are at the heart of a project launching today, carried out by researchers...Read More »

Justice Secretary reflects on stop and search

Writing in the Scotsman this week, Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf reflected on the use of stop and search and how improved guidance for police has introduced a better balance between individual rights and allowing the police to continue to address crime in all its aspects.

This week’s round-up includes activity to tackle serious organised crime, a Parliamentary debate on the use of remand in Scotland, and an update on local and national preparations ahead of Bonfire Night including information and advice for those attending the November 5th celebrations to stay safe.

Honouring fallen police officers

Justice Secretary...Read More »

The week in review


This week’s round up includes the launch of a new hate crime marketing campaign, the latest action to tackle gender-based violence in universities and colleges, new recorded crime stats and more.

Standing up to hate crime

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf and Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell...Read More »

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