Scottish Government

Festive drink-drive warning

Campaign highlights the consequences of drink driving

Minister for Community Safety, Ash Denham, Lord Advocate, James Wolffe QC, and Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams launched the festive drink-drive awareness and enforcement campaign in Edinburgh today, to highlight the criminal and personal consequences of being found guilty of drink-driving.


New research reveals...Read More »

Domestic Abuse

Number of cases recorded by police remains around 60,000 a year.

Cabinet Secretary for Justice Humza Yousaf has responded to official statistics showing there were 59,541 domestic abuse incidents recorded by Police Scotland last year – up 1% on 2016-17.

In line with previous years, around four out of every five incidents...Read More »

The Week in Review


This week’s round up includes plans to consult on the use and regulation of fireworks, 50 years of the Parole Board for Scotland and the latest on the Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill.

Fireworks consultation

Community Safety Minister Ash Denham announced plans for a consultation on the use and regulation of fireworks...Read More »

Appropriate Adult service consultation

Quote from Humza Yousaf, Cabinet Secretary for Justice "It is essential that vulnerable people with communication needs receive the support they require during police procedures, regardless of where they are located in Scotland."

Responses to consultation on establishing a statutory Appropriate Adult service were overwhelmingly supportive, analysis has shown.

Appropriate Adult services ensure vulnerable people with communication difficulties are supported during contact with police – for example during interviews and other police station procedures.

Appropriate Adults can assist victims, witnesses, suspects and accused...Read More »

The week in review


This week’s round-up includes a visit to see community payback orders in action, bonfire night activity and the passing of the Prescriptions Bill.

Emergency Service thanks

Community Safety Minister Ash Denham joined the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service (SFRS) and other partners in urging people across Scotland to enjoy fireworks safely on...Read More »

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