Scottish Government failed to ‘Test, Trace and Isolate’

12 May 2020

The Scottish Conservatives have accused the Scottish Government of a ‘basic failure in Test, Trace and Isolate’ regarding an outbreak of Covid-19 in Scotland in February.

The Covid-19 outbreak took place at a conference staged by sportswear firm Nike on the 27th February and was only revealed last night in a BBC Disclosure documentary.

Both the First Minister and the Health Secretary have been challenged today as to why the outbreak was kept secret and why proper infection control was not followed.

The First Minister has defended the decision on the grounds of patient confidentiality.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary said;

“It is deeply shocking that the First Minister made the decision to cover up these Covid cases in Scotland despite promises to be open and honest at the start of the outbreak.

“There was no need to publish any patient details of this outbreak so the First Minister’s defence simply isn’t good enough.

”SNP Ministers reported outbreaks in Tayside & Ayrshire then why not in Lothian?

“This was a basic failure in Test, Trace, Isolate right at the beginning of this crisis.

“Who knows what kind of impact this failure has had on the trajectory of this crisis.”