Scottish Conservatives

Adam Tomkins MSP announces he won’t seek re-election

17 Jul 2020

Adam Tomkins, Scottish Conservative MSP for the Glasgow region has announced that he will not be seeking re-election at the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary election.

Adam has been a Scottish Conservative MSP for Glasgow since 2016 and will return full-time to his role as the John Millar Professor of...Read More »

Almost 20,000 businesses still waiting for help from SNP

16 Jul 2020

Almost a week after the scheme has officially closed, just under 20,000 Scottish businesses are still waiting for financial aid to help them through the Covid crisis, according to the latest official figures published today.

The statistics show that while 105,585 businesses had applied for grants from the...Read More »

Vulnerable children must not be left behind after Covid

16 Jul 2020

The Scottish Conservatives have raised concerns about vulnerable children being left behind after the Scottish Government published guidance on the reopening of schools.

The publication, Advice from the COVID-19 Advisory Sub-group on Education and children’s issues, contains guidance to ensure children and staff can operate safely when schools...Read More »

Jim McColl criticises SNP government’s lack of business experience

15 Jul 2020

Jim McColl, a member of the Scottish Government’s council of economic advisors, has today criticised the lack of business experience...Read More »

Organiser of racist protest admits taking inspiration from Blackford

7 Jul 2020

One of the orchestrators of “despicable” stunts on the Scotland-England border has suggested the group took inspiration from SNP Westminster...Read More »

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