Scottish Conservatives

SNP must commit to full time education as worried parents voice concerns

23 Jul 2020

The Scottish Conservatives have demanded that the SNP government, today, formally commits to reopening schools full time...Read More »

Sturgeon must condemn Salmond Russia relationship

22 Jul 2020

Former Scottish Secretary David Mundell, Scottish Conservative MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale has condemned the former First Minister, Alex Salmond’s continuing relationship with the Russian state as ‘absolutely shameful.’

Speaking in the House of Commons this afternoon, Mr Mundell asked James Brokenshire MP, a Home Office Minister,...Read More »

Covid-19 complacency warning after 12 carers sent to same at-risk home

22 Jul 2020

The SNP government has been warned not to take its foot off the gas on coronavirus – after...Read More »

SNP should launch inquiry into Russia’s indyref interference

21 Jul 2020

The SNP government should launch an inquiry to determine the extent of Russian interference in the independence referendum, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

A report published today exposed the activity of Vladimir Putin’s regime in the 2014 vote, as well as other attempts to influence UK politics.

Shadow constitution...Read More »

More than 2,000 fines issued to Scots city motorists for unroadworthy vehicles

18 Jul 2020

More than 2,000 fixed penalties have been issued to motorists in Scotland’s cities for vehicles which aren’t...Read More »

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