Scottish Conservatives

Freeman fails to confirm patients discharged to care homes were Covid free

19 May 2020

Jeane Freeman, the Health Secretary has admitted that almost 40 percent of delayed discharge patients were discharged...Read More »

Sturgeon should apologise and face Holyrood over Nike cover-up

19 May 2020

Nicola Sturgeon owes an apology to businesses affected by the spreading of coronavirus at a business conference in Edinburgh, and should face the Scottish Parliament to answer questions on the matter.

The First Minister didn’t inform the public about the outbreak at a Nike summit at the end...Read More »

Call for SNP to lift the ‘wedding bells ban’

18 May 2020

The Scottish Conservatives will tomorrow seek to lift the ban on marriages taking place in Scotland as part of emergency coronavirus legislation.

Although there’s no formal prevention in place, registrars have stopped taking weddings for fear of being overwhelmed by the increased number of deaths occurring in recent...Read More »

Freeman’s testing announcement ‘falls well short’

18 May 2020

Jeane Freeman’s announcement that care home staff will be offered coronavirus testing “falls well short” of what’s required, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

The health secretary said today that all workers in care facilities could all be tested, even if they weren’t displaying symptoms.

However, she stopped short of...Read More »

Scottish Conservatives condemn Blackford tweet

18 May 2020

The Scottish Conservatives have strongly criticised Ian Blackford, SNP leader in the House of Commons after he ‘liked’ and endorsed an expletive laden and aggressive tweet.

The offending tweet the Ross, Skye and Lochaber MP publicly endorsed stated, “Scotland. We’re shut. F**k off”.

Rachael Hamilton, Scottish Conservative shadow rural...Read More »

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