Scottish Conservatives

Health Secretary has lost the confidence of the public

21 May 2020

Jackson Carlaw, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, has written to the First Minister and stated that the Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman no longer has the confidence of the public.

The letter comes after it emerged that almost 1,000 hospital patients were discharged to care homes before compulsory Covid...Read More »

Scotland faces ‘significant cancer crisis’

21 May 2020

Experts have warned Scotland faces a “significant cancer crisis” due to a backlog in diagnosis and treatment.

A briefing from Cancer Research UK has urged the SNP government to set out an urgent strategy to return cancer services to pre-coronavirus levels.

The document for Holyrood’s Cross-Party Group on cancer...Read More »

Sturgeon ducks responsibility on Nike conference scandal

20 May 2020

Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of ducking responsibility after claiming she had nothing to do with keeping details of a coronavirus-hit Nike conference secret.

The First Minister has been under increasing pressure over the summit which took place at the end of February, and resulted in several people...Read More »

SNP must establish pupils who are losing out in lockdown

20 May 2020

The SNP has been urged to establish exactly how many school pupils are without access to digital learning during coronavirus lockdown.

The Scottish Conservatives have repeatedly asked ministers to publish figures on the estimated number of children whose homes don’t have the sufficient technology to deliver home-learning.

However, education...Read More »

Local papers should be given same support as retailers

20 May 2020

Local newspapers need the same financial support being offered to the retail, leisure and hospitality industry, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

The party will table an amendment in Holyrood today seeking the increased assistance for one of the country’s most under-pressure industries.

MSP Murdo Fraser said, given the Scottish...Read More »

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