Scottish Conservatives

Sturgeon ‘rowing back’ on contact tracing target

25 May 2020

Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of “rowing back” on her contact tracing target, after suggesting today she wouldn’t need 2000 in place by the end of the month after all.

Speaking BBC Radio Scotland, the First Minister said it wasn’t necessary to have the full number “in the...Read More »

Housing Minister still refuses to reopen housing construction sites

22 May 2020

The Scottish Conservatives are demanding that the Housing Minister, Kevin Stewart ‘pulls his finger out’ as he continues to refuse...Read More »

Sturgeon must tell public now if she’s ditched contact tracer target

22 May 2020

The First Minister must tell the public now if the aim to hire 2000 contact tracers by the...Read More »

Local papers need long term support from SNP

21 May 2020

The Scottish Conservatives are asking the SNP government to implement a long term strategy to support local newspapers as they continue to fight for survival.

Fresh from securing the same financial support for these trusted new sources as retail, leisure and the hospitality industry via amendments to the...Read More »

Lockdown exit will only succeed if SNP sorts out testing

21 May 2020

The SNP’s route out of lockdown will only succeed if it sorts out problems with testing, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

Nicola Sturgeon revealed the four-stage plan today, which will see restrictions gradually lifted from the end of next week.

However, the Scottish Conservatives have warned that every phase...Read More »

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