Scottish Conservatives

Number of coronavirus tests hits new low

1 Jun 2020

The number of coronavirus tests carried out yesterday (Sunday) was the lowest since the new drive began, it has emerged.

Just 2729 tests took place, despite there now being capacity for 15,000 per day in Scotland.

The Scottish Government began publishing capacity targets and testing numbers daily on April...Read More »

UK Government’s coronavirus support for Scotland tops £10bn

1 Jun 2020

UK Government spending to help Scotland fight the impact of coronavirus has exceeded £10 billion, new analysis has revealed.

Last week, the SNP admitted the bulk of emergency cash had come from Westminster.

Now fresh figures have revealed the true scale of UK support for dealing with the pandemic.

Barnett...Read More »

Sturgeon faces major questions on UK care homes claim

1 Jun 2020

Nicola Sturgeon’s repeated assertion that UK stats under-reported care home deaths is now in serious question, after it emerged Scotland itself may have missed hundreds of Covid-19 deaths.

The First Minister repeated her claim at the weekend that she was sceptical about how the UK Government collected and...Read More »

SNP’s increased testing capacity means nothing unless properly used

26 May 2020

Nicola Sturgeon’s pledge on increased testing will be meaningless unless more capacity is used, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

Analysis by...Read More »

New policies unveiled to help schools through Coronavirus

26 May 2020

The Scottish Conservatives have unveiled a raft of new policies for Scottish education which would help support parents, pupils and schools throughout the rest of the Covid-19 crisis and beyond.

The plan, “Helping Scottish Schools through the Coronavirus”, contains detailed proposals in five key areas which would bridge some...Read More »

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