Scottish Conservatives

Sturgeon challenged on why she ignored WHO testing guidance

8 Jun 2020

Nicola Sturgeon has been challenged on her claims she followed WHO guidance in full in the immediate response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Last week, the First Minister told Jackson Carlaw: “All the guidance that the Scottish Government has issued … has been consistent with the guidance, the technical...Read More »

Indefinite delay on child poverty report ‘totally unacceptable’

8 Jun 2020

The Scottish Government has indefinitely delayed the second annual progress report on child poverty due to coronavirus.

The open-ended delay was announced...Read More »

Sturgeon should cut beleaguered Freeman loose

8 Jun 2020

Nicola Sturgeon must part company with beleaguered health secretary Jeane Freeman before even more mistakes are made in the running of Scotland’s NHS.

The Scottish Conservatives said “enough is enough” in relation to Ms Freeman’s position after more revelations emerged today.

And the party has now identified 10 further...Read More »

Health Secretary fails to give timescale for routine testing of hospital staff

7 Jun 2020

The Health Secretary has admitted that hospital staff are ‘not routinely’ tested for Covid, and she doesn’t...Read More »

Housing market must be able to reopen efficiently

7 Jun 2020

The Scottish Conservatives have demanded that the SNP government enable the housing market to reopen efficiently by allowing property professionals to visit homes.

The demand comes after the latest Scottish sales figures highlight the colossal impact of the lockdown on the property market.

In April this year Scotland recorded...Read More »

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