Scottish Conservative manifesto launch

26 Nov 2019

AN Oil and Gas sector deal to support the North-East economy is backed in today’s Scottish Conservative manifesto.

Launched by Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Fife, the manifesto includes commitments to support and nurture Scotland’s key industries – including a review of whisky duty, a guarantee on farm support, and a firm plan to become an independent coastal state to support Scotland’s fishing sector.

The Oil and Gas Sector deal – which will help protect the more than 100,000 jobs in Scotland that rely on oil and gas – has been a key Scottish Conservative priority since last year.

The manifesto also sets out a clear and unambiguous commitment to oppose a second independence referendum.

It guarantees:

  • More than £3.1 billion for Scottish public services as a result of the Barnett Consequentials from Conservative commitments in England.
  • A review of alcohol duty to back Scottish whisky and gin producers.
  • A clear commitment to leave the Common Fisheries Policy in December 2020 and to take back control of our fishing waters as an independent coastal state.
  • Quadrupling the number of seasonal agricultural workers to 10,000 – a scheme campaigned for by Scottish Conservative MPs.
  • Permanent tax mitigation from having to pay the Scottish rate of income tax for armed forces personnel based in or resident in Scotland.

Introducing the Prime Minister at today’s launch, Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“This election is a chance to insist on change. To insist that for once Nicola Sturgeon listens. To insist on something better.”

“We did it before remember: two years ago, 13 Scottish Conservative MPs were elected. Within days, the SNP’s referendum plans beat a hasty retreat.”

“This December, we get the chance to tell Nicola Sturgeon again. Tell her again: no to a second referendum. Tell her again: get on with the job we pay you to do. Tell her again: let’s get Scotland moving.”

On the plans for a new oil and gas sector deal, Mr Carlaw added:

“Jeremy Corbyn’s disastrous Aberdeen tax puts 100,000 Scottish jobs in danger. And incredibly, Nicola Sturgeon has still refused to rule out giving it her support.”

“The contrast with the Scottish Conservatives could not be greater.”

“We will oppose Labour’s Aberdeen tax. And we will introduce a new Oil and Gas Sector deal to support jobs in the north-east. There is still a great future for the North Sea and we must not let Corbyn kill it.”