Scottish Conservative Council groups oppose SNP’s Car Park Tax

21 Feb 2019

Car Park Tax New

Every Scottish Conservative council leader in Scotland has today signed a pledge opposing the introduction of the SNP’s new Workplace Parking Levy.

The 30 council leaders say in their joint statement that the new tax – which could cost commuters as much as £500 each – is a “tax on jobs” that would “unfairly penalise workers” who cannot use public transport to get to work.

SNP Ministers have admitted that no consultation has taken place over the tax – which has been widely criticised by unions, local firms, and opposition parties.

However, the new tax is likely to be nodded through to the next stage of legislation today when the SNP and Scottish Greens support the introduction of their Budget deal.

Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary, Murdo Fraser said today:

“Right across Scotland, Scottish Conservatives are making it clear today that we oppose this unwanted, poorly thought-out tax.

“From Holyrood to local councils across Scotland, we will fight to stop it being introduced.

“Nicola Sturgeon has tried to argue that this won’t impact people if their local council doesn’t adopt it.

“Tell that to the tens of thousands of people from all over Scotland who commute into our cities and face having to pay up.

“it’s now beholden on SNP councillors to follow suit, follow the lead of the Scottish Conservatives, and make clear that they too will oppose these ridiculous plans.

“That is the least they should do for their constituents.”