SCMA inspects boundary control point polling stations (with photos)


     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Erick Tsang Kwok-wai, today (December 16) inspected three boundary control point polling stations (BCP polling stations) to get updates on the concrete arrangements of setting up polling stations at the boundary control points from Registration and Electoral Office (REO) staff members.

     Mr Tsang visited the polling stations located at Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Lo Wu and Heung Yuen Wai boundary control points where he was briefed by REO staff on the design of the polling and counting stations as well as the quarantine and immigration arrangements of the polling day. He also inspected passages for the electors at the three BCP polling stations and observed the training and practice sessions with simulated scenarios for electoral staff.

     Mr Tsang thanked all colleagues for their efforts in carrying out the preparatory work, and reminded REO to spare no effort in arranging training and practice sessions for electoral staff. He also encouraged colleagues to familiarise themselves with the workflow and enhance their co-ordination and response capabilities, so as to make comprehensive preparations for the Legislative Council General Election (LCGE).

     To protect the voting rights of Hong Kong electors who are now in the Mainland during the pandemic, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has made a special arrangement to enable electors to return from the Mainland to Hong Kong to vote in the 2021 LCGE. On the polling day on December 19, BCP polling stations will adopt closed-loop management in order not to increase the risk of spreading disease.

     To ensure the election be conducted in a fair, just and honest manner, candidates or their agents can apply to enter the polling stations to observe the counting process; the Independent Commission Against Corruption will also deploy staff to observe the counting of votes; while the Radio Television Hong Kong will provide live broadcast of the count.

     Lastly, Mr Tsang urged all electors to cast votes in this election which is particularly meaningful to Hong Kong.

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