Condemning the attack and loss of civilian life in Duhok governorate, Iraq

Statement by Alice Jacobs, UK Deputy Political Coordinator at the UN, at the Security Council emergency meeting on Iraq

New government hub housing roles moved from London opens in Birmingham

Government Efficiency Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg opened the new cross-government hub at 23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham.

Help protect communities in the south-east of England from flooding

Opportunity for independent volunteer on regional Flood Defence Committee.

​Slough Borough Council: letter to commissioners (28 July 2022)

Letter from the Minister of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for London to the Slough commissioners, in response to their first report.

Slough Borough Council: letter to Acting Head of Paid Service (28 July 2022)

Letter to the Acting Head of Paid Service concerning the Secretary of State’s proposed expansion of the intervention at Slough Borough Council detailing an additional Direction and inviting representations.