Faster accommodation moves for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children

Changes mean children will spend less time in hotels and more time in long-term accommodation designed for their needs

Prime Minister tells Ukraine “they will win” as he marks Independence Day: 24 August 2022

The Prime Minister travelled to Kyiv in a show of strength and solidarity with Ukraine.

UK and Ukraine launch talks on digital trade deal to support Ukrainian businesses

The UK and Ukraine have today [Wednesday 24 August] announced their intention to pursue a new digital trade agreement to help Ukraine rebuild its economy and protect livelihoods.

Single stair provisions in very tall residential buildings and applicability of the Approved Documents: circular letter

This circular letter draws attention to concerns that design proposals for very tall residential buildings with single stairs being designed using Approved Documents.

British Ambassador visits Huehuetenango and Quiche

UK Ambassador to Guatemala, Nick Whittingham, addressed prosperity, human rights and climate change with local leaders during a visit on 7-11 August.