Our commitment to championing civil society participation at the UN

Statement delivered by Richard Croker, Ambassador to the General Assembly at the opening session of the UN Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations

PM Boris Johnson: The next few months will be tough but I’m convinced Britain’s bounceback will be golden

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s article in the Mail on Sunday.

Over 50 new surgical hubs set to open across England to help bust the COVID-19 backlogs

Over 50 new surgical hubs will open across the country to help bust the COVID-19 backlogs and offer hundreds of thousands more patients quicker access to procedures.

Closed financial health notice to improve: Weymouth College

A revised financial health notice to improve issued to Weymouth College by the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay’s Red Box Op-Ed

Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay announces over 50 new surgical hubs to help bust the Covid backlog.